How we do the work


Since 1994, kalapuraparambil automobiles is a customer friendly institution, as we worked hard for this institution to attain this.

Trusted name in auto-world

If a customer enquires about the vehicle’s work, first of all we’ll enquire about the need of the customer, then we’ll provide them the designs using WhatsApp and e-mail. After sending the designs, we’ll provide the estimate based upon the work said by the customer.

We’ll show the designs to the customer using the system, or through directly if they visit our workshop. The parts used in the vehicle is shown directly and also we’ll mention the quality of the parts to the customer. To decide the paint color, we’ll show the sample paint taken from the lab. Likewise, we show all the materials used in the vehicle to the customer and then prepare the revised estimate based on the materials they select.

After the vehicle arrives into our workshop and If any changes said by the customer we’ll note down it and start the work. Once the vehicle enters into our workshop we’ll receive and provide them the item list, also the customer has to pay half the amount of the estimate.

A supervisor will be allotted for every single vehicle, and the work starts under the control of supervisor. Work manager provides the daily status to the customer. Full checkup will be done once the work gets over and then we’ll inform about the invoice to the customer a day before delivers the vehicle. We’ll show the trial and then deliver the vehicle to the customer after settling the balance amount in the invoice. After two days of delivery, we’ll inquire the customer about the satisfaction report of the vehicle.

The institution was functioning in a smooth manner with the works we own. Tour purpose vehicle, Caravan, Cash Van, Ambulance, ICU Ambulance, Mobile Hotel, likewise we’ll do all the modifications for any other special needs. Only because of the goodwill and hardworking the institution earns lots of customers in and out of the state.


kalapuraparambil vehicle modification processing

kalapuraparambil vehicle modification furnishing

kalapuraparambil vehicle modification decorating

kalapuraparambil caravan exterior
kalapuraparambil caravan interior
kalapuraparambil caravan luxurious interior